Monday, March 1, 2010

The future of the death penalty

In the Houston Chronicle, David R. Row made an argument on how the death penalty will probably soon fade away, because of how much money goes towards putting someone to death. This argument happened because, Row is trying to get the people of Texas to realize how much time, and money goes into putting someone to death, when we can put all those efforts to actually helping this state. To keep any audience attracted I Think David R. Row, should build upon this and bring out other facts as to what all could be done with the money. I agree with Rows argument to fund the money else where such as, more police officers, teachers, programs in prisons so that when people get released, they can have some sense of what’s going on, and how to do things. Some of the facts Row relies on is how much money we lose, and that by not using it for the death penalty we can make great benefit for it else where. I believe that this argument is directed to everyone in the state of Texas, because with our state in so much debt, we as people of Texas can do so much more with the money, than putting someone to death. David R. Row goes to mention that there have been 1,200 people put to death, and that equals up to 1.2 billion dollars, again just imagine all we could have done with 1.2 billion dollars. Also people here in Texas have agreed that we should focus on fixing schools, pot holes, and other things going on in Texas, than to waste it on putting someone to death. So him conducting surveys to see what the people of Texas think about this matter, is a plus. In my opinion is this that this argument is a successful one, and yes it does convince to support this argument. Before I was pro death penalty, but now as I read this and hear from other Law Officials, it’s just not worth it anymore to waste all that money.

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