Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Death Penalty?

As a criminal justice major, I’ve had the chance to explore all the laws and regulations of Texas, and another topic I’ve done research on is the death penalty. For a long time I was for the death penalty, but as I learned from my teachers it may be a bad thing, especially for us tax payers. According to the death penalty information center Texas is spending 2.3 million dollars PER case. With 300 people set to be executed the math equals up to 690 million dollars. To make this more appealing this 2.3 million is about 3 times the cost of putting someone in prison at the maximum level for 40 years. With this much money being spent on executions, that is tons and tons of our tax payers dollars, that to me now isn’t really necessary. The money being spend on executions can go to other things so as education funds (especially for teachers salaries), highway funds, and anything the state of Texas can benefit from. Aside from the money aspect of denying the death penalty in Texas, another reason we should is because innocent people are sometimes sent to the execution chamber. Although it’s rare mistaken identity does happen, not only do you have to pay the family shall the family sue, but again all of our tax payers money would have gone to a case that had no meaning. Yes I was pro death penalty, but if someone take the time like I did to realize all this money being spent (OUR money) you’d realize it’s not worth it, and yes I am pro “and justice for all” but the money is not worth it.

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